Wild Flowers♥

Welcome to my Blog. You will find poetry here. All poems are my original work unless otherwise indicated. Enjoy! Why Wild Flowers? Because... "When a wild flower grows it picks its space." -- Sheryl Crow, and: "Nobody knows a wild flower still grows by the side of the road." -- Bon Jovi

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Enfoldment, Desire

Paper, white and blank,
colored bold primaries,
with precise patterns;
one 8 inch square
for fingerwork, for folds.
It can become anything--
crane, frog, secret box.
Each crease a word, a thought,
a transformation.
Contoured, smoothed,
tied with gold thread
and hung from blue sky,
a brilliant lotus sways.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh gosh, I've read all the poems, with their meanings, valid meaning as well as beauty, even though some how you make ugliness look beautiful with you dream like poetic voice.

You show a person with depth and yet, erm, yes brilliance but that is not the word. Mayhap tolerance, love or just a amazingly beautiful soul.

It warms my old heart to know such people with depth of beauty still exist..

Andy J Turner

9:16 PM  

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